For the last couple of years I've been really happy with my subscription to - there being no other way to get access to baseball here in the UK that lets me watch all the games I want to be able to see - so when the HP TouchPad became available I was really happy that I'd be able to use it to watch games instead of having to keep my laptop or desktop computer on.
I say "was" because about two weeks ago you stopped me being able to use it.
One of the primary reasons I selected the HP TouchPad as my tablet device (as opposed to the 'market leaders' of Apple iPad or something Android-based) was that it has *native Flash*, meaning that it behaves exactly like a desktop to far as most sites are concerned. And after I bought it in August I used it just about every night from then on, including the division, championship, and world series. It was *perfect*.
Not perfect, though, is the long wait until the start of the new season (getting closer though - yay!) so I've watched the occasional game during the winter - and as always I'd done this on my TouchPad. But week before last, instead of the opening titles for NESN I got a suddenly black screen with the text "This MLB.TV application is not supported on Touchpad devices."
Well I was very surprised (I even tweeted to @MLB and @MLBTV but there was no response) as there is NO NEED for an 'application' on the TouchPad. That was - as I noted above - the whole point of my buying it!
I decided to wait and see what happened once you announced the new 2012 subscription details. So when your email "2012 MLB.TV Premium is Now Available! Watch Baseball on Your Favorite Devices" just arrived I went to find out.
And I now see that there are a number of platforms which you are offering an 'app' for, in addition to the desktop option. But there is no TouchPad in there - not that it actually needs an 'app' anyway - so I'm effectively fully blocked, from a service I have paid for.
You promote MLB.TV as "Baseball Everywhere" yet you have *removed* it from where it has been in the past. I pay for my subscription - it isn't a no-cost thing - and that means I expect to be able to watch it in the same way in the coming year as I did in the past year. For me that means on my tablet, which happens to be an HP TouchPad and requires no 'special treatment' other than to be allowed to play the standard Flash feed.
There aren't a lot of TouchPad users around, and not needing 'special handling' in the past probably means you haven't been aware of us, but that doesn't mean we don't provide some of you income. If we can't watch there is no point in paying, is there.