or rather I tweet so much that I rarely engage in long-form (or longer-form, anyway) writing any more.
Apart from the occasional blog entries on my three 'real life' blogs and even they don't really get much love and the RedSox one is about two weeks behind.
But anyway …
I went off to Holland last week with a group of people, some of whom I already knew, some I knew of, and some I'd not the faintest idea about. Initially I'd said yes to going when I first saw the plans about the trip because I'd heard too late about last year's excursion and thought it would be fun to go this year. After signing up I then realised I probably couldn't afford it, but in the end that got sorted and last Wednesday it was off to St Pancras 'International' for a eurostar to Brussels, and then on to Rotterdam and points slightly north. Or at least it would have been if the train from Belgium hadn't been cancelled and delayed us by an hour until the next service. At one point the previous night I'd even be pondering whether to just intentionally miss the train as I was getting a bit panicked about sharing space with so many people with no 'escape' options.
Basically it was a bunch (around 25) of geeks going to stay in a hostel-like place. We even transported our own wifi equipment to install for the duration! A number of side-trips were made during the stay, including a day in Amsterdam (I bought a couple of new toys!) and one day we used the centre's three-person canoes to go up the canals and into the town of Delft - about two miles or so, including under some *very* low bridges. I like canoeing/kayaking as it is about upper body strength (which I'm ok at) rather than legs/lower, which I'm really not.
This was great on the way there - just over half the group were in the canoes, the rest walked - and we found a place to eat and drink in the main market square. But coming back I managed to drop my stick in the canal while getting into my canoe. Followed a few moments later by falling in myself.
The tourists and locals on the banks of the canal (not to say the other geeks) thought this was highly amusing as I disappeared (fully clothed) under the water and, to be fair, so did I. Though it took some assistance to get me out the water and into a canoe. In fact, although I had been a bit too cold earlier, now that I and my clothes were soaked through I was actually feeling warmer; the 'wet suit' effect I suppose.
Annoyingly, trying to get out the canoe back at the centre I managed to slip in *again* so where I'd started to dry off on the journey back I was promptly wet through again! Thankfully the hot showers were 20 seconds away...
Thankfully, I was pretty 'up' much of the week (too much, in some ways) but nobody tried to kill me so it ended up quite a fun trip and I might even go again next year.