Well, yesterday I promised a post here on what I did on my holidays Friday afternoon. If you didn't see the notice then go visit my twitter and facebook pages sometime (!), but anyway …
Last year sometime I saw someone tweet that she would offer a free session to her 1000th follower. 'She' in this instance being a Harley Street shrink (at the expensive end of the road) and the session otherwise charged at £300.
Reader, I gamed the system. As the number crept up the 990s I waited for #998 then followed her with a spare twitter account then my own. And so I 'won'... but events affected my availability such that it took until last Friday before we actually met and, I have to say, I was more than a little scared of what might happen. Unsure exactly _why_ but whilst I am aware of my own limitations and am terribly self-introspective (does that need to 'self-' there? not sure) I also know that I'm liable to sound completely messed up on occasions.
So, anyway, I walked in (stairs. and no lift. not good) and we chatted. Earlier in the week I'd sent her a two-pager about my medical history and such for background (and to not waste time while I was there) and she'd asked on Thursday what I wanted her to concentrate on. I told her that as so many people had accused me of being Aspie (aka said they thought I showed typical symptoms, etc, from their personal knowledge of other Aspies) that any guidance she could give on the matter would be appreciated. She has a particular interest and expertise in ADHD/ Anxiety/ Autism and Asperger's Syndrome/ Depression/ OCD and such, so this seemed appropriate.
But in the end that was put aside for a while - she then said, basically, 'Oh yes, it is so obvious we don't really need to think about it' ;-0
What she did come up with, though, was that my interpretation of being Cyclothymic (whereas my GP had only said 'Depression') was incorrect. She had little hesitation in saying that I was Bi-Polar, type 2. This was, frankly, a surprise. Though once I read the WP article (and WP is surprisingly good on medical stuff) it did fit. *Very*.
So, going from an assumption and a 'lesser evil' I've now got two conditions which I didn't know about. Whether such a diagnosis will make any changes to what I do (eg. the Citalopram is very contra-indicated) I don't know yet.
We also talked about a number of other things, but they won't get detailed here (sorry!)
But I'm pleased I went …
* https://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/personal-view/3577416/As-Macmillan-never-said-thats-enough-quotations.html