One can make good arguments about when to be 'Transitional' and when to be 'Strict' and whilst ever site should be one or t'other which one you should aim for is sometimes like asking to you prefer the American league or the National league†: they are both great, but slightly different.
Anyway, after developing for the last week or so it was time to hit the W3C validators and get the XHTML and CSS which provide this site to validate cleanly. Getting to 'Transitional' didn't take too long, thankfully, even though the usual you have 400+ errors is a little startling at first (as per usual they boil down to a couple of dozen simple things that are repeated) and the CSS about another half-hour. Getting to 'Strict' though, well, that was more of a major task, requiring quite a bit of re-writing both in the modules I've written but also in the main sections of the site.
Anyway, it is now *perfect*. Well, it meets the standards, anyway. A bit more work to do though, maybe, on some of the ideas I've been working on …
† Major League Baseball - let's hear it for Redsox nation!