I've been writing an online diary – a 'blog' in the vernacular – in one form or another since 1995, though this particular one only appeared to the world wide populace quite recently.
This leads one to the question prevalent each time one starts all shiny-and-blank-canvas anew as to whether to populate the fresh tabula rasa with content from the older editions. Should one provide links? Copy and update content? Trust that anyone really interested in one's musings will avail themselves of search engines – which, of course, may fail to find some older pocket lint as it may no longer be extant or discoverable – even if one used the same nom de plume (de ma tante) throughout one's wanderings around Tim Berners-Lee's hyperlinked universe.
Which I didn't, and leads one to ponder whether one should inflict some past content on others when the world has so clearly moved on.
Yet at heart we are all the sum of our experiences, and I have certainly had some interesting experiences! Maybe I should select random entries from the past propositions and comment refreshed on them. Ah, life can be so difficult on "teh interwebs" …